Cantigas de Santa María

Imágenes del poder real en la obra de Alfonso X (III): Rex sapiens [Images of Royal Power in the Works of Alfonso X (III): Rex Sapiens]

Medieval History / Medieval Studies / Sovereignty / Medieval Iberian History / Wisdom / History of Political Thought / Medieval Political Thought / Alfonso X el Sabio / Alfonso X of Castille / Kingdom of Castile in the Middle Ages / Cantigas de Santa Maria / Political Thought / Historia Medieval / Las siete partidas / Royal Power / Alfonso X / Cantigas de Santa María / Representation of the Royal Power in the Middle Ages / 13th century Spain / History of Political Thought / Medieval Political Thought / Alfonso X el Sabio / Alfonso X of Castille / Kingdom of Castile in the Middle Ages / Cantigas de Santa Maria / Political Thought / Historia Medieval / Las siete partidas / Royal Power / Alfonso X / Cantigas de Santa María / Representation of the Royal Power in the Middle Ages / 13th century Spain

Las prosificaciones castellanas de las Cantigas de Santa María. Algunas hipótesis

Alfonso X el Sabio / Traducción / Cantigas de Santa María / Alfonso XI of Castile

Lo que nos dice la cantiga 130

Alfonso X el Sabio / Cantigas de Santa María / Lírica Galego-Portuguesa / Lírica Gallego-Portuguesa / Cantiga de amor
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